​What would be possible if you belonged to a supportive community of other LGBTQ+ adults who are dedicated to nurturing their spiritual wellness?

Envision yourself a year from now...

You will be enjoying….

...a strong connection to something greater than yourself - your community, the world, and the Divine.

...a vibrant spiritual wellness that allows you to thrive in all areas of your life.

...and an inner peace that comes from being the best version of yourself while uplifting, inspiring, and serving others.

You are afraid that you can’t be accepted as you are. You fear that you can’t be accepted where you are on your spiritual journey. You fear that there isn’t anywhere you belong, that there isn’t a community out there for you. You are afraid of being disappointed again.

You don’t want to settle anymore. You don’t want someone telling you what to believe, what to do. You aren’t looking for a guru. You don’t want a community with a One True Way mentality. You don’t want to be fooled and you don’t want to delude yourself. You don’t want to lose your identity, your individuality.

You may think that you have to do the spiritual journey all by yourself. You believe that you just need more self-discipline with your spiritual practices. You believe that you should read more spiritual books or listen to more spiritual teachers in order to find out what is true for you.

You may even be afraid that you are too neurotic or traumatized to really be spiritually well.

You may have a hard time believing this future is possible for you.
I understand because I have been where you are right now!

Hi, I'm Molly...

I'm the founder and spiritual wellness coach for Seek Together. I started my spiritual journey at the age of 13 years old when I was first asked, "What do you believe?" I knew that I was spiritual and had spiritual experiences, but I couldn't put my worldview into words. That simple question started my quest for an answer.

The path was very challenging. I had no one I could talk to about my spirituality. People who were close to me told me my beliefs were wrong. I didn't know how to start to grow a relationship with the Divine, which I desperately wanted. At times, the doubt and frustration would make me lose my sense of connection to the spiritual realm and I would fall into a deep depression.

I recall one dark time when I was in my early twenties and struggling with debilitating pain from a chronic illness. I asked, "Is God punishing me because I'm gay?" This was totally not my view of the Divine, but the struggle was making me doubt and worry.
I craved a spiritual community of peers with whom I could share my journey. Over a 25-year period, I tried time and again to find a faith tradition where I could bring my whole self only to be disappointed. If the values aligned, the view of the Divine was not my own. If the view aligned, the spiritual practices didn't fit. If the spiritual practices worked for me, the culture was too unfamiliar to feel like home.

Despite constantly stepping up to lead and guide groups under the religious umbrellas I struggled with the fit. I found more fulfillment volunteering as a peer counselor for the LGBT National Helpline because I wanted to meet and support people where they are. I cared more about someone’s spiritual wellness than their religious identity. I was called to serve, but in a totally new way...

In 2020, I was guided to start Seek Together, a nonreligious online spiritual community for LGBTQ+ adults where we can inspire, encourage, and care for each other while we nurture our spiritual wellness. A community where we can come together to clarify our worldviews and build practices so that we can experience connection with the Divine, embody our personal beliefs in our everyday lives, expand our awareness, and grow spiritually while navigating a rapidly changing world together.

Members enjoy these benefits...

  • Experience a fun, nonreligious process for nurturing your spiritual wellness that you can’t find anywhere else - the SEEKER method. (More below!)

  • Meet kindred spirits who share your worldview, who do the same practices, or who care about the same topics.

  • Thought-provoking daily questions, awareness-expanding weekly group ritual, supportive weekly group coaching exploration, and fun monthly socials.

  • Access to exclusive one-on-one spiritual wellness coaching when you need extra support.

  • Request blessings from the community for yourself or loved ones to boost healing, speed, ease, or success.

  • Swap stories, experiences, and ideas (not necessarily advice) about the spiritual journey.

The SEEKER Method

Our Live Events

Members can gather together live twice a week and once a month over Zoom.

Tune-In Tuesdays
5 PM MST* Weekly

Awareness-expanding group ritual to ground, focus, and commune with the Divine

Theme Thursdays
5 PM MST* Weekly

Supportive group coaching exploration on the month's theme

Fun informal "picnic" social where we show and tell our spiritual practices or tools

Seeker Social Saturday
12 PM MST* Last Saturday

*Times are Mountain Standard Time year-round

an abstract photo of a curved building with a blue sky in the background


Spiritual Intensive
in the Sonoran Desert
Exclusively for Seek Together Members

Subscribe to our newsletter to get updated as more details roll out!

Our Purpose

Seek Together gathers LGBTQ+ adults to nurture our spiritual wellness so that we can thrive in all areas of our lives.

Our Values


Our Shared Beliefs

We believe in the possibility that…

  • There is a spiritual being or beings with whom we have a personal relationship. We call this the Divine. The Divine can be known to us as deities, spirit guides, ancestors, devas, angels, fairies, power animals, or the Ultimate Self - or all of these!

  • The Divine desires to have a relationship with us.

  • There is a reason for why we are alive here and now and that we inherently belong because we are here.

  • Nothing is more important in life than wellness. Without wellness, we cannot fulfill our potential or purpose.

  • The Divine wants us to be well and be free from suffering.

  • Wellness looks different for different people and there is not one perfect definition.

  • We are each capable of Knowing our Truth through our intuition and through a variety of intuitive pathways.

  • The highest authority for Knowing is ourselves, even above spiritual teachers or texts.

  • There are many overlapping realities within which we exist. Therefore, what may be True for one may not be True for another. However, there is great value in sharing our individual views because even the ones that aren’t shared help us to Know what is and is not True for us.

  • That we are meant to support each other’s wellness journey because we are interdependent.

  • That we are each capable of accessing spiritual energy we can use to bless, heal, and influence change in our lives.

Our Community Agreements

We promise to uphold the following agreements:
  1. Speak your truth in ways that respect others' truths.

  2. Own your intent, own your impact.

  3. No gossip.

  4. Ask for what you need.

  5. Be direct and honest with each other.

  6. Remember that everyone is a learner; everyone is a teacher.

  7. Observe confidentiality.

  8. Treat yourself and others with respect.

  9. Listen with your whole being.

  10. Embrace humor.

  11. Welcome questions.

  12. Encourage each other!

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the best fit for Seek Together?

Seek Together is best for LGBTQ+ adults (18+) who are ready to build practices to nurture their spiritual wellness so that they can thrive in all areas of their lives. Most Seek Together members have struggled on their spiritual journey before joining. Most experienced a kind of spiritual wounding from family or a spiritual community leaving them solitary. Most feel like they don't completely fit in a religion nor any of the spiritual communities they tried prior. They don't want to be told what to do nor what to believe. They don't want a spiritual community with a One True Way view. They are longing to belong to a spiritual community that will accept them as they are. They want to feel challenged and stretched in a good way that gives them confidence in their spiritual power and authority so they can be the best version of themselves.

Although nurturing spiritual wellness helps ease depression, trauma, and anxiety, Seek Together cannot replace therapy or seeing a mental health professional.

Seek Together strives to be a community that is sex-positive and friendly to kink and consensual non-monogamy.

What exactly do I get when I join?

When you unlock access to the Seek Together membership site, you start your journey through a fun, nonreligious process for nurturing your spiritual wellness - the SEEKER method. You get thought-provoking daily questions, awareness-expanding weekly group ritual, supportive weekly group coaching exploration, and fun monthly socials. All this while swapping stories, experiences, and ideas with other queer and trans kindred spirits. All this for the low membership fee of $27/month.

Will I get any support from you?

Yes! I'm happy to support you through the private chat on the platform where I will directly answer your questions. I'm also available for individual spiritual wellness coaching when you need extra support. This is only available to Seek Together members.

What is the time commitment?

Seek Together members agree that the more you put into the community the more you get out! That said, there are many different offerings, but you don't have to use them all. Use the tools and support that help you the most with the time you have available in your schedule and leave the rest.

Community settings make me nervous - is this a good fit for me?

Yes! Most Seek Together members have been burned by spiritual communities before so we do all we can to create a safe space. We co-created our community agreements to make expectations clear. Every member strives to be extremely supportive and nonjudgemental and there is no pressure to participate if you don't feel comfortable doing so.

I have trouble sticking with courses or memberships - what if I don't stick with this?

One of the great features of Seek Together membership is that you join the community with a cohort and pair up with a buddy in that cohort. Members set a weekly check-in with their buddy to hold each other accountable. There are many opportunities to connect with us throughout the week. You will also receive weekly digest emails from the community reminding you to check back in on the content and conversations. Also, if you aren't finding the membership helpful you can cancel at any time.

Don't I have to get my physical and emotional wellness in order before I take care of my spiritual wellness?

Wellness is interconnected and inseparable so nurturing your spiritual wellness will benefit all other aspects of your wellness. In fact, the focus on purpose and connection to something greater than yourself can inspire you to take better care of yourself physically and emotionally.

How do I access the community?

You can access the Seek Together community platform via your internet browser on your computer, tablet, or phone or through the Mighty Networks app on your phone or tablet. We hold our ritual, coaching, and social via Zoom.

Will the price ever go up?

Your monthly membership fee is locked in when you join. If the fee is raised, that will only apply to new members. Please note that if you leave the membership and join again at a later time, you will have to pay the new member fee.

What about refunds?

To help you give Seek Together a deep dive try and support your commitment to nurturing your spiritual wellness, payments are non-refundable. However, payments are on a monthly billing cycle and you may cancel at any time.

Is this a replacement for seeing a mental health professional?

No, this is not a medical treatment nor is it a replacement for seeing a mental health professional. Many of our members seek out therapy in addition to being a member of the community because they complement each other well.

What if I have more questions?

I love connecting with you and answering your questions about Seek Together. You can reach me through the contact form and I will get back to you ASAP!

Here's what our members say

”I had been frustrated with being unable to find a spiritual group that fit who I am and what I was looking for. Despite trying to fit into different programs, it wasn’t until meeting Molly that something clicked. She is a master at facilitating our discussions and leading weekly check-ins. I appreciated the Tune-in Tuesdays as a grounding ritual that I could touch back to throughout the week and felt increased stability and peace. Seek Together is a wonderful group that I hope others take up and enjoy the benefits of as I have. ”

"Participating in group experiences and personal spiritual direction through Seek Together has been a deeply transformative journey for me. This LGBTQA+ community, led by the wise and compassionate Reverend Molly, offers more than just a meeting of like minds; it’s a sacred space where acceptance, love, and spiritual growth flourish. Reverend Molly’s gentle guidance, along with the rituals we share, has strengthened my connection to both the divine and myself. With the unwavering support of this community, I’ve been empowered to embrace my authentic identity while exploring my faith.

The heartfelt connections I’ve built with Reverend Molly and others have brought me peace, healing, and a profound sense of belonging. Seek Together is not just a community—it’s a sanctuary where everyone is celebrated for exactly who they are."

Bennett M.

Gail M. Syring

Haven’t you always valued spirituality and spiritual wellness?

Aren’t you longing to belong to an inspiring, supportive spiritual community that will accept you as you are?

Don’t you want to connect, learn, and share your gifts? Don’t you want to share when an insight happens or when a question comes up?

Aren’t you wishing for more support as you are navigating life’s transitions? Aren’t you excited to make a change for the better?

You don’t have to continue to feel lonely and disconnected!

You don’t have to keep feeling like a misfit.

You don’t have to carry on by yourself because of your past spiritual wounding.

You don’t have to keep settling for spiritual practices that are sporadic, few or unfulfilling.

You don’t have to continue lacking ideas or inspiration.

You don’t have to stay stuck.

Are you ready?

You belong here!


per month


The SEEKER Method for Spiritual Wellness
Daily Thought-Provoking Questions
Weekly Awareness-Expanding Group Ritual
Weekly Supportive Group Coaching
Monthly Fun Social
Request blessings from the community
Access to One-on-One Spiritual Wellness Coaching
Private LGBTQ+ Community with Support and Accountability

We have limited spots
in our next cohort
forming for April 2025!
The deadline to
submit the application form
is March 1st!
Seek Together won't open again
until July 2025 so don't miss out!

Let's seek together!


Complete the
FREE online


Book your
Zoom Call


Decide together
that it's a
good fit


Meet your
cohort at


Unlock access
and meet
all the members!


The Process to Join

Still have questions?