Resources for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Pansexual, Transgender, Nonbinary, Queer, Intersex, Asexual, and Questioning People

LGBTQ+ is an umbrella term for marginalized sexualities and genders.

If you know an LGBTQ+ person who is seeking support with a challenge, LGBTQ+ information, or help coming out, please direct them to the LGBT National Help Center at ​​ where they can connect with a trained peer counselor via phone or live chat. You may also consider becoming trained to be a peer counselor, if you are seeking volunteer opportunities.

If you know an LGBTQ+ person who is seeking resources in their area, please direct them to LGBT Near Me ​​ where they can put in their zip code, distance, and find LGBTQ+-friendly organizations and businesses that are close to them. This taps into the largest database of resources across the world.

If you know an LGBTQ+ person who is seeking a therapist, please direct them to Gaylesta ​​. They may also try LGBT Near Me, mentioned above.

If you know a religious LGBTQ+ person who is seeking an affirming local congregation, direct them to:

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